Getting Started part-2:
In Getting Started Making Money With Amazon product Part 1, we walked through the steps up until finding your web hosting. Now let’s look at the final steps to getting started.
6. Install the blog software:
Why blog software? Because it will provide with the necessary structure to make it easy for you to run an effective site and post new content easily. WordPress is the most popular. It is open source, which means it’s free, it’s easy to install, and it is extremely powerful. Many web hosts have a one-step process for installation, or just download and follow the instructions provided.
7. Make it look good:
One of the perks of WordPress is all the templates that you have to choose from. In addition to the hundreds of free themes, there are hundreds of WordPress themes you can buy. Pick a theme that looks good, ties to your niche, has the layout you want, and offers what you want to be able to do in terms of tools.
8. Create your categories:
Your blog software should allow you to set up categories that help you to organize your entries so it is easier for your visitors to find what it is they are interested in reading. For example, your Jack Russel site might have a number of categories such as training, eating, toys, etc.
9. Become an Amazon Associate:
The sign up is simple, and it’s free. Just go to the Amazon site and at the bottom click the ‘Join Associates’ link. You’ll want to
have your site set up – at least the basics with some content, as they are going to review your site.
10. Create the blog posting links:
There are different ways to create your links. You can use the tools offered by your blog software, but the easiest way is using the Amazon Build A Link tool. Log into your Associate page, and find the product you want to review. Build your personalized link. There are a number of options for link building but most would tell you that the text links are most effective.
11. It’s time to blog:
The time has come to write your blog review and post it. You will insert your link code to the product on the Amazon site (created above) that you are writing the review for. You will want to include a number of reviews.
12. Promote your website:
Make sure you take time to promote your website/blog. There are all kinds of online communities that can help you do this, as well as social media, directories, etc. The more exposure the better!
There you have it – in Part 2 we have set you up so that you are ready to start making money with your Amazon affiliate program. So what are you waiting for? Why not get busy today?