own business
Getting Started Making Money With Your Own Product –Part 1
Articles, Create a Product, Product Marketing
Getting Started: Since you’re here reading this, you’ve likely already heard about how you can make money with Amazon Affiliate Program by your own product. Perhaps you have already created your own website and hosted it in hopes of making some good coin with Amazon... read moreGetting Started Making Money With Your Own Product – Part 2
Articles, Create a Product, Product Marketing
Getting Started part-2: In Getting Started Making Money With Amazon product Part 1, we walked through the steps up until finding your web hosting. Now let’s look at the final steps to getting started. 6. Install the blog software: Why blog software? Because it will... read moreFire Your Boss and Start Your Own Business
Fire Your Boss and Start Your Own Business Do you ever feel like you’re stuck in a rut? You wake up each morning and go to the same job, driving on the same roads, do the same business, walking on the same streets, and doing the same thing day after day –... read moreKind-hearted, passionate and innovative, Dr. Lynda Barnes helps you focus on your, Purpose, Aim, Map, Profit & Score (PAMPS) in your business. She is a Business Alignment & Marketing Coach & Advocate for Women!
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Dr. Lynda
Dr. Lynda Barnes
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Entrepreneurial Lessons
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